- Increase distribution network to 12 states of India by 2018 from the present level of 6 states.
- Establish Block level presence to min. 400 nos. from the existing 210 level.
- Quality upgradation of the existing marketing team and increasing the required no. to cover the additional area.
- Maintain 35% (+) growth rate constantly.
- Launching new products, all organic based to fulfill the market gap continuously without compromising on best quality.
- Develop model organic farm module in different Block level at different states to increase awareness on organic cultivation through our marketing team by 2018.
- Improved quality of farming and lives of the farmers on certain specific pockets which can be assessed and measured through periodic checks.
- Focus on development of hard core dedicated customer focussed team by 2018.
- Close co-ordinated working with PanthNagar and Kalyani Agriculture Universities for technical guidances.