Spice Stick is silicon based organic formulation contains organic adjuvants. It is natural, safe, eco friendly, non-toxic and completely biodegradable product.
Cnidium monnieri extract, Angelica pubescens extract, solvent, stabilizer and emulsifier etc.
Foliar:- Spraying on the leaves, stems and on fruits @ 1.5ml-2ml per 10 Ltr. of water. However the farmer has to decide the dosage depending on the crop and soil condition.
Spray whole plant which covers both sides of leaves/crops during morning and evening.
- Water sticks on leaves for longer period for better efficacy.
- Act as spreader for better coverage.
- Uniform droplets distribution.
- Increase spray retention on leaf surfaces.
Compatible with all insecticides, pesticides fungicides, herbicides, weedicides, defliators and growth promoters etc.
Expiry: 3 Years